BCN Academy

The BCN Academy is our in-house learning resource. It provides a wide variety of training and development opportunities for everyone at BCN to learn and upskill.

BCN Academy

Organisations that keep pace with evolving technology have the best chance to prosper. We created the BCN Academy to meet this challenge, secure the future of our business and nurture the leaders of the future. Staying ahead of the curve allows us all to thrive together.


To provide the services our customers expect, our teams need to possess the full range of constantly updated knowledge and technical skills. Customers expect us to be not just up to speed, but ahead of the upcoming trends.

We recognise that we can only succeed by recruiting and retaining the best people at every level across every department. The BCN Academy gives us the tools to meet these challenges.

Our Purpose

Inspiring thinkers and innovators through technology

To keep the Academy at the cutting edge of technology and society, we also scour the world for fresh independent content. Commentary and insight from leading thinkers and innovators are woven into the fabric of our training, educational and upskilling programmes. The BCN Academy provides a wealth of training and development opportunities for everyone at BCN.

  • Ensure that our team are equipped to excel
  • Attract the most talented and promising people to BCN
  • Channel industry expertise and innovation into our workforce
  • Enable our teams to provide superlative client service
  • A portal to a world of expertise

    Delivering our vision depends on inspiring and supporting our greatest asset: our people at all levels. To achieve this, the Academy connects with the know-how of global technology giants. Microsoft, Cisco, Dell, Sage, HP and HPE are all involved. We work closely with our partners, and our in-house experts, to equip our tech, sales, marketing, back-office and support teams with the up-to-the-minute expertise they need.

    Find our more about our partnerships

  • When careers thrive, our clients benefit

    Thanks to the Academy, BCN is primed to attract the most talented people, bring out the best in them and keep their careers flourishing. Our programmes empower individual growth and teach new professional skills across all disciplines and departments.

    It enables our people to gain a wider perspective, understand clients’ needs and learn from partners, suppliers, innovators and opinion leaders.

    Read our latest case studies 

  • Connecting with the next generation

    The Academy has close ties with our local technical college, and schools, colleges and universities nationwide. Alongside our apprenticeship programme, these links provide opportunities for young people to acquire skills, gain qualifications, kickstart their careers and fulfil their potential.

    Interested in a career at BCN? Apply here

  • Developing BCN's Future Leaders

    Progression and development within our teams is core to who we are as a business, and our Future Leaders course is designed to support BCN’s aspiring and current managers.

    The courses interactive sessions ensure our future leaders are fully equipped with the management methods they need to develop their teams and personally, and to successfully drive progress and efficiency across the business.

BCN Academy

“I’m really excited about the potential of the BCN Academy – for the younger generation keen to carve out a career in technology as well as its positive impact and benefits for BCN customers. It’s a win-win.”

Rob Davies
Chief Executive Officer

BCN Academy partners

Side by side with the world’s leading technology companies

We established the BCN Academy to put training, skills and continuous career development at the heart of our business. To make it the best resource possible, we work closely with a range of partners including Microsoft, Cisco, Dell, Sage, HP and HPE. With expert input from these innovative giants, we provide the most up-to-date product and systems knowledge through our Academy programmes.

Other Academy partners include our own in-house experts too. Who better to equip our technological, sales, marketing, admin and support teams with the expertise required to keep our customers happy, attract new prospects and make BCN an enjoyable place to work.


Benefits of the BCN Academy

Multiple benefits across the board

  • Our customers

    Our customers benefit first and foremost. It means BCN people at all levels have the knowledge & experience to offer them the fullest support and latest solutions.

  • Our sales force

    Understanding the products we recommend and the problems we solve is the key to successful selling.

  • Potential recruits

    The Academy gives us a competitive edge when it comes to attracting the most promising candidates. It helps all recruits fulfil their potential while working, learning and developing within the BCN team.

  • Our Senior Leadership and Management team

    When teams have the right knowledge and resources they can resource, plan and delegate with confidence.

  • Schools, colleges and universities

    They know they can send students to BCN for apprenticeships and entry-level positions, confident that they will receive the right training.

  • Technical experts

    Our technical experts can depend on BCN resources, including the Academy, to keep their know-how current, provide the right upskilling opportunities, and allow them to advance their careers by gaining new skills.

  • Vendors and Partners

    Knowledgeable service from our team shows their products in the best possible light.

  • The entire BCN team

    Training builds careers. Opportunities to refresh current skills and learn new ones are open to everyone via the Academy.

BCN Academy

How will the Academy benefit my career development?

The BCN Academy offers a unique combination from three vital sources that are essential to developing technology skills.

Firstly, it draws on the unique experiences of the entire BCN team across all disciplines and departments to provide an understanding of how project success works in the real world.

Secondly, it acts as a pathway to the specific training required from world leading tech vendors and innovators. The accreditation process enables our recruits to gain a valuable and recognised skill set for use in all the work they will do.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it delivers insight into the world of a BCN customer partnership. This allows you to truly appreciate how solutions can impact real world challenges and continually learn from them.

Interested in a career at BCN? 

BCN Academy

“The BCN Academy is all about the future. The industry is moving as fast as it ever has. We need to make sure our young people have the know-how and skills to meet our customers’ business challenges—and grasp every opportunity to advance their own careers in the process.”

Simon Heafield
Group Operations Director

Frequently Asked Questions

BCN Academy FAQs

  • What is the Academy's purpose?

    We recognise that we can only succeed by recruiting and retaining the best people at every level across every department. The Academy gives us the tools to meet these challenges.

    The technology industry is evolving faster than ever. To provide the service clients demand, BCN teams need the full range of constantly updated skills to put us ahead of the upcoming trends.

  • Who are the Academy's partners?

    We harness our relationships with the global tech giants, including Microsoft, Cisco, Dell, Sage, HP and HPE, to offer the latest knowledge and innovative thinking. This is supported by the expertise of our in-house teams and industry thought leaders.

  • Who can use the Academy?

    Everyone connected with BCN is welcome. The Academy is equally relevant for:

    • Getting careers off to a flying start for apprentices and trainees
    • Onboarding new recruits at every level across every department
    • Upskilling and refresher courses for seasoned professionals
    • Updating knowledge as technology and client needs evolve

  • Which areas of the business can benefit?

    In a word, everyone. We work closely with our partners and in-house experts to equip our tech, sales, marketing, back-office and support teams with the expertise they need to provide superlative client service.

  • What resources are available?

    The BCN Academy spreads its net wide to provide inspiring content. In-house expertise is our core resource. This is augmented by knowledge and insights from across the world of technology, contributed by industry leaders and influential thinkers. The content our in-house team provides for the Academy includes:

    • Vendor pages and cheat sheets
    • Skills and expertise matrices
    • Service descriptions and key experts
    • Service catalogues
    • Business opportunities
    • Industry trends
    • FAQs: what colleagues and customers ask
    • Talks with technologists

    Content sourced externally for the Academy includes:

    • Vendor and partner training
    • Links to relevant Reddit and social groups
    • Links to external training courses and resources
    • YouTube links
    • Whitepapers
    • Webinars and seminars

  • How can the Academy benefit my career development?

    Our programmes enable individual growth and teach new professional skills—across all departments and disciplines.

    It enables our people to gain a wider perspective, encompassing our clients’ needs and what we can learn from partners and suppliers, as well industry innovators and opinion leaders.

    Everyone’s career benefits from having up-to-the-minute knowledge and awareness of what’s new. Our business gains a competitive edge as a direct result of this, which in turn enables our clients to benefit most of all.

Interested in a career at BCN? Why not get in touch today.

Follow the link to check out career opportunities at BCN.

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