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Hybrid Infrastructure

Dynamic and secure hybrid cloud solutions providing a best-in-class infrastructure that’s monitored and optimised.


Delivering multi-cloud solutions that combine our private cloud with Microsoft Azure to provide a best-in-class infrastructure, that's monitored to ensure performance and cost optimisation for our customers.

What is hybrid cloud?

Hybrid cloud refers to a computing environment that combines the use of both public and private clouds, allowing organisations to leverage the benefits of both. In a hybrid cloud setup, certain applications, services and data are hosted in a private cloud infrastructure, while others are deployed in public cloud services provided by third-party vendors, such as Microsoft Azure, or Microsoft 365.

The hybrid cloud model offers greater flexibility and scalability, as it allows businesses to take advantage of the public cloud’s on-demand resources and cost-effectiveness while keeping sensitive data and critical applications in a private, more secure environment. Hybrid cloud architecture enables seamless data sharing and workload portability between the two cloud environments, enhancing operational efficiency and optimizing resource utilisation.

Benefits of Hybrid Cloud

What are the benefits of hybrid cloud?

BCN have an extensive history of delivering dynamic secure hybrid cloud solutions to our customers. Hybrid multi-cloud refers to an architecture that combines multiple public and private clouds from different cloud providers. This approach offers several benefits:

  • Flexibility and Vendor Independence

    Leverage tech that fits your business needs

    Hybrid multi-cloud allows organisations to choose the most suitable cloud services and platforms from various providers based on their specific needs. It prevents vendor lock-in and provides the freedom to leverage different technologies and services for different workloads or applications.

  • Scalability and Agility

    Scale quickly to meeting fluctuating demand

    With hybrid multi-cloud, businesses can scale their infrastructure and applications quickly by utilising the resources and capabilities of multiple cloud providers. This agility enables them to meet fluctuating demand and rapidly deploy new services or applications.

  • Redundancy and High Availability

    Achieve redundancy and improve application and data availability

    By distributing workloads across multiple cloud environments, organisations can achieve redundancy and improve the availability of their applications and data. If one cloud provider experiences an outage or performance issues, the workload can be seamlessly shifted to another cloud environment, ensuring continuity of operations.

  • Risk Mitigation and Data Residency

    Mitigate risks with data loss and service disruptions

    Hybrid multi-cloud allows businesses to mitigate risks associated with data loss or service disruptions. By replicating data and applications across different cloud environments, organisations can protect against data breaches, natural disasters, or infrastructure failures. It also helps in complying with data residency regulations by ensuring that sensitive data remains within specific geographical boundaries.

  • Cost Optimisation

    Take advantage of competitive pricing and optimise resource utilisation

    Organisations can optimize costs by selecting the most cost-effective cloud services and providers for different workloads. They can take advantage of competitive pricing, leverage spot instances or reserved instances, and optimise resource utilisation based on workload requirements. Additionally, businesses can avoid unnecessary expenses by utilising on-premises infrastructure for workloads that do not require cloud resources.

  • Best-of-Breed Services

    Integrate the best services from different cloud providers

    Hybrid multi-cloud allows organisations to choose and integrate the best services from different cloud providers. They can leverage each provider’s unique offerings, such as machine learning, analytics, storage, or networking services, to create a comprehensive solution that meets their specific requirements.

Why choose BCN for Hybrid Cloud

Microsoft Solutions Partner for Infrastructure

BCN have an extensive history of delivering cloud-based solutions. Our business was created to provide enterprise virtualisation infrastructure to the SMB market, via our Private Cloud offering.

BCN have matured the offering with hybrid cloud backup and adopted Microsoft Azure’ public cloud to enable us to provide true hybrid cloud infrastructure to our customers.

By adopting a hybrid multi-cloud approach, businesses gain the flexibility, scalability, resilience, and cost optimisation needed to effectively manage their workloads and applications in a multi-cloud environment.

Client Stories

Customer Success Story

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Fairway Travel

Fairway Travel needed to upgrade and futureproof their IT servers and systems to keep files and data securely backed up. BCN provided an Azure cloud-based platform that makes it easier for remote users to access the Remote Desktop Gateway faster and more securely.

View Case Study right
  • Azure
  • IT Support Services
  • Microsoft 365
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Travel and leisure

London Stansted

Stansted Airport’s IT team needed a system that would show the lifecycle of the hundreds of on-going projects in a single view. BCN developed RADAR, a SharePoint Online site that gives senior leadership a single source of up-to-date information across the airports' on-going projects.

View Case Study right
  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Travel and leisure
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