Supply Chain

EasySPC For Organisations


SPC Charts made easy. Revolutionise the way you use data to drive better decision making.

Our EasySPC Customers

More than Control Charts

Elevate Your SPC Practices with EasySPC

We recognise the value that statistical process control (SPC) brings to organisations committed to quality and efficiency. EasySPC is our advanced solution designed to take your existing SPC practices to the next level, moving beyond the limitations of traditional tools like Excel.

  • Transition from Static SPC to Dynamic SPC

    EasySPC is engineered to provide a more robust, automated, and user-friendly SPC experience.

  • Enhanced Data Analysis and Visualisation

    Utilise automated control chart generation, sophisticated data analysis, and intuitive visualisation tools, enabling you to quickly pinpoint variations, and make data-driven decisions with confidence.

Introducing EasySPC for Capability Analysis

Instantly calculate capability scores (inc CPK & PPK) at the click of a button for each process, so you can identify priority areas for improvement.

This new feature can be partnered with EasySPC Spotlight, enabling you to filter and prioritise processes based on their stability and capability. Enabling you to focus your improvement efforts on areas that need it the most.

  • EasySPC - explore its capability
  • SPC charts made easy

    EasySPC is the only Microsoft certified Power BI solution designed to easily create and manage control charts.

    Save time, incorporate into your Capability Analysis process and create automated reports that enable you to maintain consistency, identify improvements and flag special cause.

    If you would like to learn more about the benefits of EasySPC or find out how its used across other organisations and has brought about significant cost and time savings, please get in touch for a demo. 

    Request a personalised demo of EasySPC


Benefits of EasySPC

Both end users and report creators were considered during the design and development of EasySPC, enabling users to spend more time on the things that matter most.

  • Enables control charts

    Enables control charts for all levels across an entire organisational structure

  • Automated charts

    Charts update automatically, based on connected data sources

  • Optimised UI design

    Giving users easy access to the top 6 features and simple limit recalculation.

Harness the power of your data

Say goodbye to complex processes and welcome a seamless experience with our cutting-edge features. Here’s a glimpse at some of the features EasySPC has in store:

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Additional Features

  • Create Run, C, U, U’, P, P’, T, G, XmR, XbarS SPC charts

  • Easy-to-use menus, a click away. Support setting and resetting baselines, recalculating limits, annotations, target lines

  • Exportable to PDF and PowerPoint

  • Intelligent, guided chart selection wizard - to help you know which one to use

  • Automatic highlighting of non-random variation, special cause variation

  • Up to 100 customisable settings

  • Upper and lower specification limits (USL/LSL)

  • Capability Analysis inc. CPK & PPK

Talk to our experts about EasySPC

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