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Item Analysis Codes for evo-supply

Add enhanced, hierarchical reporting capabilities to your item data within evo-supply

Item Analysis Codes

Business intelligence on your item data – how you want it, when you want it

The Item Analysis Codes application for evo-supply Enterprise enables enhanced, hierarchical reporting capabilities based around your item data that is fully configurable for your needs.

  • Additional Category Codes

    Multiple levels of item data

    Use up to three additional user-definable hierarchical category codes on your items. Working in conjunction with the standard item category functionality within Business Central, you now have the opportunity to report on four levels of item data.

  • Additional Reporting Attributes

    Maximise performance

    Take advantage of eight additional user-definable reporting attributes that can be assigned to your item data. Report from your orders, invoices, credits and item ledger to get insight into how your items are performing.

  • Fully Configurable

    Improve data quality

    Additional categories and attributes are fully configurable by you, allowing you to create the captions that you want your users to see, along with the appropriate look-up data to ensure the quality of data entered is the best it can be.

  • Transactional Analysis

    Increased business intelligence

    Custom categories and attributes are automatically transferred to receipts, shipments, invoices, credits, and the appropriate item ledger entries upon posting. Reporting and business intelligence on item data has never been better!

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