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BCN has become a Cyber Advisor under the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) scheme

BCN has become a Cyber Advisor under the NCSC scheme.

The NCSC Cyber Advisor Scheme is designed to provide small and medium-sized organisations with reliable and cost-effective cyber security advice and practical support. It’s operated by the NCSC in partnership with IASME, an assurance body. The scheme assures organisations to offer general cyber security guidance, focusing on the implementation of technical controls outlined in Cyber Essentials, which aims to improve cyber security and reduce the likelihood of common cyber-attacks.

Cyber Advisors are independently assessed on their knowledge and understanding of Cyber Essentials’ technical controls, competence in providing hands-on support, and ability to work with small and medium-sized organisations.

Alongside becoming a Cyber Advisor, BCN are currently a Cyber Essentials certification body, accredited by IASME, helping organisations demonstrate our compliance with the government-backed cyber security standard.

This aligns with BCN’s commitment to security as we pledge to have 100% of our customers at a recommended level of cyber security posture by the end of 2024. For more on BCN’s Cyber Security Pledge, click here.

By combining this commitment to security, alongside a full cyber security product and service offering, BCN can help organisations achieve a high level of cyber security assurance and protection.

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