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Deploying EasySPC at Cincinnati Children's Hospital

About Cincinnati Children’s Hospital

With a passion for improvement – of child health and delivery of care – Cincinnati Children’s Hospital has employed groundbreaking research, relentless innovation and much compassion to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients and their families. Founded in 1883 by three women, it has been repeatedly named as one of the USA’s premier children’s hospitals. Its unabating mission to transform healthcare delivery most recently led to the implementation of EasySPC.

In this video, Sherry Colliatie, Director of Data Management and Visualisation, explains how EasySPC enables full performance transparency across the entire site.

Deploying EasySPC at Cincinnati Children's Hospital

Embracing tried and tested technology

Already operating within a culture of improvement, knowledge sharing and using data to drive decision-making, an IHI colleague recommended EasySPC after seeing a BCN Healthcare demonstration that featured a glowing testimonial from the NHS East London Foundation Trust. Upon further exploration, it was evident that BCN Healthcare had experience in exactly the activities that Cincinnati Children’s Hospital was about to embark on; namely creating enterprise level visualizations using Power BI and implementing them across the organization at scale.

A flexible, scalable and easy-to-implement tool

Sherry found EasySPC a useful and straightforward tool, with any questions answered by BCN Healthcare straight away.

“EasySPC is aptly named. It’s a useful and simple tool to use. There are a lot of calculations and formulas behind these charts that are very difficult to visualise. EasySPC makes that smooth.”

While often bringing new technology into an organization can cause tension, “out of the gate, it’s had a pretty profound impact and people have responded very positively”, she says. The team has embraced its functionality, converting many charts that were previously created in multiple platforms – such as Excel and Tableau – and are using EasySPC daily.

How EasySPC helped improve patient experience

Implementing the software has enabled the team to combine multiple metrics into a single report, which can then be shared on a monthly basis at scale – not just to the board and exec leadership. The ability to share such visualizations so transparently across the entire hospital has never before been fully achieved, and is something Sherry and the team are looking forward to.

“There has been a huge demand for this for years. We’ve taken our patient family experience data scores and organizational standing domain metrics, bringing them into a single quality excellence report that is fully-transparent and shareable across all of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

We can see at a glance how we are doing against the priorities we set. Many audiences are going to benefit from this tool – not just senior leadership.”

What’s it like working with BCN Healthcare?

Working with BCN Healthcare, Sherry says, has been an absolute joy:

“They’re just really a stand apart from any other team I’ve ever worked with before. We have big aspirations with BCN Healthcare. We want to further ingrain the culture of improvement science across the hospital.”

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