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Haven't moved into the cloud yet? Actually, you may have, it's just uncontrolled

Posted on November 26th 2019

At least twice a month we sit in meetings with firms who tell us that they don’t really use the cloud and don’t feel their business is quite ready for it just yet. As the conversation evolves and we ask more about why they don’t feel ready and what their concerns are the most common responses tend to be around security, data ownership and where their data may end up.

When we dig a little deeper it often turns out that many of these businesses are already using cloud solutions such as Dropbox, Smartsheet or Evernote in order to work around the limitations of their current systems – so while the company may not consider themselves as being ‘in the cloud’ they probably are, it’s just unofficial and uncontrolled.

Whilst consumer applications, such as cloud storage tools may provide employees with productivity gains, they also introduce an assortment of risks to an organisation. The risk of leakage of sensitive corporate data is significant in these cases, particularly when stored in a private cloud-based storage, where an organisation no longer controls the data.

Whether security, compliance, control or knowledge retention are an organisation’s key focus, cloud-based applications within the workplace can be risky and costly.

Identify which cloud apps are being used and what your risk level is

Shadow IT is a term that describes uncontrolled cloud usage within your organisation, understanding it will help you identify which apps are being used and what your risk level is. According to Microsoft on average 80% of employees use non-sanctioned apps that no one has reviewed and may not be compliant with your security and compliance policies. And because your employees are able to access your resources and apps from outside your corporate network, it’s no longer enough to have rules and policies on your firewalls.

Polymorph, a Microsoft Gold Partner, can help you gain a better understanding of your unofficial cloud usage and will advise you on your current position regarding Data Loss Protection and compliance. Simply get in touch and speak to one of our cloud consultants who will be happy to provide you with some initial advice free of charge.