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Server checks vs automated monitoring

Posted on October 11th 2016

We look at the benefits of automated monitoring, and alerting, over traditional server checks.

Server checks have been taking place almost since computing began and the point of them is to avoid system downtime and with it reduced productivity. In a nutshell these checks involve techies literally checking over server hardware and software to make sure everything is operating within expected tolerances and therein capturing potential issues and early signs of hardware failure.


The regularity and thoroughness of the checks is dependent on what your company deems fit for purpose but, despite the frequency, there is always the potential for something to go wrong or fail between checks.


This is where automated monitoring and reporting comes in. If you run a manufacturing operation for example, or operate in an environment that requires high availability, it could be catastrophic if your core systems were down for any length of time. Early warning of impending failure would definitely be a benefit.


With this in mind Polymorph can now offer a subscription based monitoring service which not only monitors key metrics such as disk space, CPU & memory utilisation but can also report on software patch status, Anti-virus updates, intrusion detection (to safeguard against hackers), event log errors, service availability statistics and a whole host of other health check related features. We can automate server and application patching as well as subsequent server restarts at scheduled times to suit your environment – avoiding system downtime at peak times.


Our advanced monitoring solution also has the capability to alert technicians when something is failing and can also log a ticket on the Polymorph Customer Portal automatically so that the incident is recorded at the point a warning threshold is breeched. The incident can then be managed through to resolution whilst giving you visibility of updates on the resolution steps.


Would you benefit from an enhanced monitoring solution? Well the answer in short is most probably yes. Is it worth paying for advanced monitoring? That depends how much you stand to lose should your systems go down for any length of time.


One of our clients was so impressed with the advanced monitoring functionality that they have covered their server estate and have also covered their workstations. The end result allows them to truly oversee their IT estate (including remote workers) and gives them control of almost every aspect of it all from a centrally managed console. Pushing out critical updates, standardising on software versions right through to real time reporting for licensing and auditing purposes. Need to work out what equipment could do with replacing next year so you know how much to budget for? Easy.


If you would like to discuss advanced monitoring, click here to contact us. It could save you a big headache and possibly a small fortune.