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StaffHub, your guide to making gig economy work for you

Posted on May 18th 2017

More and more, companies are finding it difficult to keep pace with the way that today’s workplace is evolving.

One of the major headaches is scheduling shifts and flexible work patterns for the modern workforce. StaffHub, part of Microsoft’s Office 365 suite of products, is built to make the communication with work colleagues much easier, and make the creation of shift patterns a breeze.


Members of staff in retail, delivery services, food outlets, and agriculture can work in a number of locations, over many different shift patterns. Creating a way of easily communicating working hours and other announcements can be difficult when your staff are rarely on-site, or the hours required are on an on-demand basis.


StaffHub uses Office 365 (normally as part of one of the Kiosk plans) to host your shift information and other related staff communications. Using O365 means that the information is available 24-7, from any device, and from any location. This gives both you and your team the ability to check on availability of work at any time, without having to call or visit a central location like a staff break room.

Everything is customisable, from the name of your team (or teams, you can have as many as you can manage) to the length of each schedule period.




Team members can be added easily, and they can be placed into varying job roles as seen below.




You can make it easier for your staff to request time off, or even to swap shifts with co-workers.




As an administrator, you can create shift schedules that run from one to four weeks, and plan them months in advance.



Employers can also use StaffHub as a company bulletin board. If, for example, an employer decided to close the shop because of a blizzard, the employer could post a message on StaffHub telling employees not to come into work, rather than trying to call everyone.

StaffHub will revolutionise the way that your company communicates and schedules its staff, contact us today to see how Polymorph can help.