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What Are the Perceived Disadvantages of Cloud Computing?

Posted on September 16th 2019

Having greater flexibility to meet ever-changing demands, receiving automatic security updates and benefitting from a more productive team – wherever they are. These are just some of the reasons why more businesses are beginning to make the switch to cloud computing. Although, that doesn’t do enough to change the mind of anyone still reluctant to change.

Having doubts is completely normal. So, here are five perceived disadvantages of cloud computing to ease your concerns so you can see why cloud computing is a more positive solution for your business than a negative.

Losing Control of Data and Security

Arguably the biggest perceived disadvantage of moving to cloud computing is the supposed loss of control – both over your data and your security. The assumption is that once you move your business away from on-premise infrastructure and switch to cloud computing, your security and data is free to be accessed by anyone.

That’s not the case. The cloud is offered through an external, trusted provider, but it’s still your data.

Moving to cloud computing doesn’t mean you’ll give up any control and the cloud providers offering this computing solution won’t have any access either. You’d still maintain full responsibility for managing all of the data. Managing the access and setting up the rights and restrictions is your responsibility, while your business remains the sole owner of the data.

Cloud Computing Is an Extra Unnecessary Hassle

This is exactly what many businesses assume. You already have your day-to-day tasks to manage. Dealing with a relatively new concept like cloud computing compared to legacy systems can seem like an unnecessary additional hassle.

This is also incorrect. While it might seem like another solution to manage, you’ll quickly begin to realise how much it can help rather than hinder.

Cloud computing allows you to cut down on hardware and upgrading headaches. When you move to cloud computing, the time-consuming tasks of regularly maintaining hardware and managing the upgrades of software can be a thing of the past.

That means cloud computing allows you to spend more time improving business operations and launching top-level initiatives. Rather than spending valuable portions of your capital on servers, for example, you can finally think more strategically.

An On-Premise Infrastructure Is Much Safer Than Cloud Computing

There’s no disputing that an on-premise infrastructure can be safe if maintained properly. Especially since it’s the way businesses have been doing it for years. However, just because it’s the norm, it doesn’t mean cloud computing can’t compete as providers have measures in place to ensure optimum security.

MSPs and major providers like Microsoft  have dedicated security teams which most IT departments can’t match. Not to mention the greater resources they can use to maintain the highest security measures. Additionally, legacy or on-premise systems aren’t as safe as the cloud because once a developer decides that they’ll no longer release patches, it means criminals can access exploits more easily.

Alternatively, cloud computing is regularly maintained and updated. They’re safer as developers work on newer and more secure patches more frequently. As a result, patches are released more often so the data remains safe.

Security itself has grown into a full-time role. It’s why MSPs have experts with processes in place and that’s something you can really benefit from.

Adopting Cloud Computing Is Too Complex

Another perceived disadvantage of moving to cloud computing is that it’s too complex. As businesses have stuck to the methods that have worked for years in the past, it’s common to see many resisting the change because of the supposed complexities involved.

Trying to make this switch alone can flag up some issues which makes it more complex. However, the actual process can be relatively straightforward if you work with a specialist. As an experienced MSP who’s well-versed in helping businesses adopt cloud computing solutions, we know the pitfalls and challenges that might emerge.

It’s why we provide expert assistance throughout the entire process to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible.

Cloud Computing Is Too Expensive and Has Limited Functionality

You might already know the benefits of switching to the cloud for your business, but you might be worried about the possible costs. Cloud migrations don’t have to be expensive, as long as you take the right steps and carry out the necessary analysis.

Although, working with an experienced MSP can help mitigate those costs and concerns. They’ll have the extensive knowledge and resources that businesses require. So, when you move to cloud computing, they help you take the correct and relevant steps so that you succeed without seeing an increase in costs.

One example of this is how you can now pay a monthly subscription for a cloud computing solution like Office 365. In the past, you only needed to pay one-off costs whenever Microsoft released a new version. Although, that meant you were always playing catch-up in terms of functionality.

While it can feel like monthly subscriptions are more expensive than one-off payments, you’re actually staying ahead of the curve because you’ll always have access to the most up-to-date software possible, as soon as it’s released. That’s not something you can achieve with legacy systems where you’re forced to wait years.

With cloud computing solutions, you not only save money in the long run but it allows the business to be more efficient and productive. As a result, this allows you to work on more top-level projects while the rest of the team aren’t held back, wherever they are.

How Else Can Your Business Benefit When Working With an MSP?

Cloud computing is just one area where MSPs can help drive your business forward. If you need out of hours support, you need your systems monitoring, assistance with cyber security and much more, then an MSP can help.

For a more in-depth breakdown on how an MSP can help your business, contact us.