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9 Benefits of Implementing a Cloud Telephony System

Posted on July 23rd 2020

From a start-up in its infancy to an established industry leader, communication is what powers businesses. Without an effective approach to communication, businesses slow, stagnate or collapse altogether. That’s where a cloud-hosted telephony system comes in.

Even with video conferences, emails and instant messaging, phone calls are still vital for day-to-day business communication. After all, 65 percent of people prefer to contact a business by phone. To make sure you’re getting the most out of the phone system that you’re using, you need to switch to a cloud-based system.

Why You Should Switch to a Cloud Telephony System

If you’re not using the latest and most effective tools, then you’re giving your competition the edge and making your staff work to a disadvantage. Here are the benefits of cloud telephony if your business makes the switch.

1. Fewer Hardware and Equipment Issues to Manage

Switch to a cloud telephony system and you won’t have to worry about outdated and bulky hardware. This can free up valuable space in your office, giving your staff more room to work. There’s no longer any huge capital expenditure costs because it’s a pay as a service model that’s scalable as required.

Cloud telephony systems are scalable and adaptive as you expand, which is great when it comes to making better informed long-term business decisions and it helps strategic planning. For example, you won’t have to think about how many phones you need to invest in for your growing business. Simply add users as new members join the team or remove them if you’re scaling down after a complex project has come to an end.

You’re in complete control and can have as many or as few accounts as necessary. The setup process is simple and straightforward, allowing your team to spend more time on the tasks that contribute to business growth.

2. They Support Flexible Working in the Office…

Staff are no longer restricted by having to work next to a static, designated, landline desk phone.

A traditional phone system isn’t capable of adapting to this type of flexible working situation. You’d have a set phone that wouldn’t be able to move around the office with you, potentially decreasing productivity.

A cloud telephony system on the other hand is far more flexible and versatile, allowing you to be mobile while still available. Any device, from a laptop to a mobile phone, can be your business phone – it doesn’t need to be a handset at a desk.

Staff can move around the office or depending on the projects they’re working on and never miss a call. Plus, no more wandering across the office to ask, “Which phone are you on?”

3. … and Remote Working Too (Wherever That May Be)

Whether it’s teams coordinating from different locations or staff working while out visiting clients, a cloud-based phone system allows everyone to communicate and collaborate easily.

Staff have access to the same features wherever they are. All they need to do is log in and they can use all of the same tools and functionality that they would in the office. And this is whether they’re at home, at a client’s office or even on holiday abroad. Gone are the days of a child’s dentist appointment forcing you to take the day off. With a Cloud telephony system you can be just as productive from home as you are in the office.

4. You’ll Always Be Using the Latest Features

Traditional phone systems become tired, out of date and have a certain shelf life. You’ll either have to keep replacing the hardware to benefit from the new features or quickly be left behind.

Once you’ve installed a cloud-based system, all you’ll need to do is download the latest updates and you can enjoy any new features that the provider has rolled out. The more new and innovative features you add, the better experience you’ll be able to deliver for your clients.

5. Staff are Far More Productive

With access to call recording, easy transfers and detailed analytics, staff can use the phone system to be more productive and collaborative with each other. They’ll have the tools they need to manage calls easily and make sure clients are speaking to the right people.

Productivity is boosted by sophisticated call funnelling and staff won’t need to deal with frantically searching the office looking for the person that’s needed on a call, while the client waits impatiently on the other end of the line with an issue.

6. More Flexible Contracts

Some traditional phone system providers require businesses to tie themselves into lengthy contracts when they initially sign up. This means they’re trapped in years down the line when the system is no longer providing the support that the business needs because of how it has expanded and grown.

Cloud telephony system providers, like BCN Group, offer more flexible and scalable plans, allowing you to start and stop easily. You have access to a wide range of options so you can select the plan that best suits your business’ specific requirements.

7. A Worthwhile Investment

Cloud telephony is a consumption-based model where you pay as a service. You will have to pay for the initial installation but then fees will fall into operational expenditure costs. This means you aren’t tied down into lengthy contracts and you can take advantage of the model’s flexibility.

The system allows you to increase or decrease consumption to meet your specific business needs at that time, just like with other cloud services. The model is flexible and can include users, devices, system services and calling plans.

8.  You Aren’t Tied to a Physical Location

Implementing a cloud telephony system will improve disaster recovery times and procedures. So, if your business does experience a disaster of some kind, calls can quickly and easily be redirected to another location.

This prevents or at least significantly reduces any business downtime because staff can access the client app to receive calls from wherever they are. Because you aren’t tied to any one location, there’s no need to configure or install the phone system when you’re getting everything back up and running.

9. Powerful Tools

The rise of cloud-based systems has placed powerful functionality into the hands of businesses of all sizes. Historically, only large corporations would be able to take advantage of features like call recording or collaboration tools.

Now, because there are many different cloud-based systems available on the market, even the smallest start-up can use powerful tools to thrive and grow. But it’s important to choose a provider who can give a service that’s clear, reliable and dependable.

Consider how much more productive staff can be once they’re using the cloud telephony system, assisting growth and allowing for greater financial results because of it. Can you afford not to make the switch?

Have You Considered Telephony Systems from an MSP?

A cloud telephony system is just one of the many improvements that an MSP could make to your business’ IT infrastructure. If your email server keeps crashing, your staff are less productive because of outdated systems or you just don’t have time to focus on top-level business projects, then you need to consider sourcing some external support.

Handing over control to an MSP is a major business decision, but the benefits far outweigh any risks you might think there are. Speak to one of our experts today and discuss how your business can benefit from a Cloud Telephony solution.

Contact us today or fill in the form below, and we will be in touch.