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The Search for a Cyber Security Company

An Essential BCN Guide

There is no escaping the fact that cyber-attacks have grown in frequency and complexity over an alarmingly short period of time. The hyper connected nature of modern business, and our reliance on tech tools for so many of our processes, means that the potential for vulnerabilities in cyber security have grown alongside it too. What was once only a headache for larger organisations has become a daily worry for SMEs and even personal end-users, too. Every industry, every space and every size of company must now have an awareness of the potential threats posed and an appreciation of the cyber security measures that are required to combat them.

Looking for Trust

The key lesson we have learned at BCN is that effective cyber security always comes down to one thing – trust. There needs to be trust in the cyber security products and tools that keep watch over your vital infrastructure, trust in your team to know that they are all as educated and informed on how to stay vigilant against threats and, perhaps most importantly, trust in the cyber security company that you choose as your partner.

Get Ahead to Stay Safe

Any shift in the threat landscape for cyber security inevitably brings with it a whole host of new software, applications and methodology. This means that a thorough review of your current cyber security options is always a welcome exercise. As an example, for those familiar with legacy systems and past cyber security products, it may come as a surprise the Microsoft suite of cyber security tools are now a leading force in this space, offering powerful and integrated protection.

The responsibility of understanding how these new developments may impact your company, and the consequences they could have, is something that the right cyber security partner should make their priority. Of course, there are always fundamentals that can be adhered to, but seeking out the correct expertise, knowledge and experience is the only way to find the peace of mind that comes from being as protected as possible.

Create your own Criteria

The perfect cyber security partner should be able to demonstrate where you are on your cyber security journey, where you immediately need to be and where your ultimate business goals and aims mean you should be headed. This criteria can then be augmented with considerations that are unique to your individual situation and circumstances, such as location, allocated budget and lead time for the work to initially be carried out. Acting quickly to plug any existing vulnerability gaps is essential.

Is this the Right Partner For Me?

The BCN cyber security approach is built around our own RPME structure, and we would always suggest that any potential cyber security company you choose as partner has something similar in place. You should ask to see evidence and understanding of solutions that will work in a phased manner through a methodical and considered way.


How well is your organisation currently protected against the threats of an attack? This often comes down to how well prepared your people are. Cyber Essentials certification is a great way to build this foundation.


Regular assessments and security scans will allow you to reach this elevated level of security posture. Implementing automated software and tools to recognise threats, capture data and provide suggestions for tightened cyber security is also advised


The managed stage of cyber security solutions delivers policies and procedures that form comprehensive incident logging and responses. At this point, cyber security is an ongoing and iterative business concern with scheduled threat assessments and updates from both cyber security products and partners.


This is the most comprehensive posture that organisations of all sizes should aspire to reach. Cyber security tools and protocols are integrated within every operation across the company. This is where you can identify cyber security as a clear competitive advantage to broadcast against competition in the market.


This structure also acts as an aid to remember those four central tenets of a cyber security strategy. Always remember to look for RPME to see if it is the Right Partner For Me.

BCN & Cyber Security

BCN has been at the forefront of cyber security on behalf of our client partners for over two decades. Our enviable 98% client retention rate is driven, in a large part, by our focussed, clear and adaptable methods that keep IT environments and teams safe and secure as they scale and grow. The innovative cyber security products we implement are always thoroughly researched, stress-tested and optimised to ensure they deliver the most secure solution. Working in this way has given us the opportunity to create our own commitment to cyber security that we are proud to endorse

BCN Cyber Security Pledge

Our dedication to the most valuable cyber security journey for our clients is evident in the BCN cyber security pledge. We have set the goal to have 100% of our customers at the recommended level of cyber security by the end of 2024 through solutions, support, and technology that are unique to every client and company. This framework delivers all the data security, privacy and compliance in a complete and robust way with professional and friendly knowledge sharing as standard.

Let’s talk Cyber Security

You can learn all about how we respond to the ongoing cyber security threats against our clients here. The BCN Cyber Security team is ready and waiting to speak security and can get you booked in for an initial cyber security review to get your organisation up to speed as quickly as possible.

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